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Monday, January 31, 2005

The Rundown

Well, today was certainly a lot of fun. I had my doubts about it at first, since it was a weekday (and a day on which school took place, no less).
Luckily I was home a good half an hour before 4pm, so I had time to get my stuff together.
I didn't realize how fun the perception assignment would be.
At first I was worried that nothing would happen, but once I got into it I started noticing a lot of weird things--more to come later on that, once I condense this messy little pocketbook into a nice clean write-up.

Hopefully what I've come up with will be Neurocam-worthy.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Waiting & Anticipating

So now that finals week is over, I have a 4 day weekend, which means even more waiting time until Monday.
I've dusted off my digital camera and bought a nice pocket notebook to fill up.

On another note, I've taken the liberty of ordering a copy of The Magus, as well.
It should be here in a couple of days.

Also: I do like how closely Neurocam seems to be following the blogs of its operatives.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Neurocam is...

...something that affects those who aren't even fully involved in it yet.

That's only started happening to me in the past few days, really.
But even so, it's already changed me in more ways than one, and they relate quite well to that post Avery made yesterday.

Neurocam, this blog, the blogs of others, and several other factors have caused me to become immensely reflective and introspective.
I've thought about perception and the way I perceive things, the way I used to perceive things, and how I might come to perceive things later on.
I've been thinking a lot about myself and who I am as an individual, and evaluating some of the things that I've put out of my mind and dismissed as "troublesome" for a long time.
This has also spurred 2 very long and deep conversations with a close friend of mine.

So, bringing it all back in to focus now.
Neurocam's experience reaches far beyond the people who've actually been sent out to meet shady figures in shady places in shady neighborhoods, or those who have found (or been handed) a little red Neurocam badge to pin onto their shirt collar.

A New Breed

Perhaps it's too early to even be thinking about this at all in terms of a timeline.
Nobody can say.

However after being surrounded with the entirety of Neurocam's history in the past few days, and being aware of its existence for a couple of months now, I see definite trends. Of course, this is all just my speculation, but there might be some validity in it.

From what I can tell right now, several others and I are part of what could be considered the Neurocam Second Generation. The members of this generation are those who, like me, have discovered Neurocam after some of its landmark evolutions have already occured, and are now stepping onto the playing field right at the beginning of another phase.

Neurocam's First Generation, for the most part, is comprised of the individuals who reside in Australia and have been following it since the days after that first billboard went up. They are the ones who have helped events progress to where they are now (in one way or another).

But now Neurocam is expanding. Something bigger is taking shape.
And no one knows what it's going to be like...except that it will be different.
It's like that eerie calm before the storm.

That's all I've got to say for now. Agree or disagree with my musings as you will.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Counting the Days

I appologize for the utterly cryptic nature of the first entry I made.
Don't think about it too much.
In fact, I'm not sure why I even posted it.

I've spent the past day and a half reading up on lots of things.
Graham, Tript, Xade, Lady J, etc.

Quite fascinating to delve into something, thinking you'd found the tip of the ice-berg, only to discover that it wasn't even the real tip, but simply a slice of the real tip.
And there I go with the crypticness again.

I'm waiting for Monday the 31st, and I've seen that a few others are waiting as well.
It will be the first step for me.
Perhaps they would not like it if I associated myself with people in my area already.
be in charge of that.

But if you want to talk, then by all means: leave a comment and we can have a dialogue.

...and what signifies change?

As a person I have certain morals and standards I hold for myself.
In the past, I have spoken of them.
They say time changes you, and I've observed that.
Some things about you that change are beyond your control.

This isn't one of them.
I do it by choice, and even though the right person might be able to come along and make me eat my words, I'll still do it.
I could do things differently, but it wouldn't be the same.

But when all is said and done, you've got to wonder: can a person truly change?