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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Neurocam is...

...something that affects those who aren't even fully involved in it yet.

That's only started happening to me in the past few days, really.
But even so, it's already changed me in more ways than one, and they relate quite well to that post Avery made yesterday.

Neurocam, this blog, the blogs of others, and several other factors have caused me to become immensely reflective and introspective.
I've thought about perception and the way I perceive things, the way I used to perceive things, and how I might come to perceive things later on.
I've been thinking a lot about myself and who I am as an individual, and evaluating some of the things that I've put out of my mind and dismissed as "troublesome" for a long time.
This has also spurred 2 very long and deep conversations with a close friend of mine.

So, bringing it all back in to focus now.
Neurocam's experience reaches far beyond the people who've actually been sent out to meet shady figures in shady places in shady neighborhoods, or those who have found (or been handed) a little red Neurocam badge to pin onto their shirt collar.


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