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Friday, January 04, 2008


Do I have your attention now?

I really don't mean it like that, you can still send e-mails to me, it's so nice to hear from you.
Just don't send the rabidly aggressive kind that ask me all sorts of questions I'm in no state to answer.

Really, I don't like those ones.
Didn't they ever teach you your neuromanners?

But since you've been so insistent and have badgered me into stepping out of my peaceful retirement, I will entertain a few of your pressing inquiries:

Yes, I have seen the video.
Yes, that is Clyde Citrine.
Yes, he is a real person (unfortunately).
No, I do not know who is speaking in the message.
No, I do not know who put it up.
No, I do not know where it was recorded.
No, I did not make that video myself. (I have better things to do with my time)
No, I cannot talk about what happened in Los Angeles.
No, I do not work for Neurocam anymore. My involvement ended quite some time ago.

Happy now?
Ugh...I really should not even be posting this, but it seems my willpower has disintegrated.

I thought it was all over and done with.
I made a nice agreement with them.
They said they would leave me alone as long as I didn't talk about anything.

Of course, knowing how things go, that man is probably going to show up on my doorstep tomorrow morning to have a little chat with me because of this.

Thanks a lot...


(If this ambiguous post still leaves you confused, drop me a line and we can talk)