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Sunday, January 23, 2005

A New Breed

Perhaps it's too early to even be thinking about this at all in terms of a timeline.
Nobody can say.

However after being surrounded with the entirety of Neurocam's history in the past few days, and being aware of its existence for a couple of months now, I see definite trends. Of course, this is all just my speculation, but there might be some validity in it.

From what I can tell right now, several others and I are part of what could be considered the Neurocam Second Generation. The members of this generation are those who, like me, have discovered Neurocam after some of its landmark evolutions have already occured, and are now stepping onto the playing field right at the beginning of another phase.

Neurocam's First Generation, for the most part, is comprised of the individuals who reside in Australia and have been following it since the days after that first billboard went up. They are the ones who have helped events progress to where they are now (in one way or another).

But now Neurocam is expanding. Something bigger is taking shape.
And no one knows what it's going to be like...except that it will be different.
It's like that eerie calm before the storm.

That's all I've got to say for now. Agree or disagree with my musings as you will.


Blogger xade said...

Eager beavers indeed. You fellas are jumping into it with much gusto...

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do realise that there was no billboard I hope. The billboard story is believed because there are mock up photos of it that appear in the Age and other places. However, it has been confirmed by the sign management company that owns that billboard that no such advertisement was ever placed there.

Don't believe everything you read!

Observant Melbournite.

1:03 AM  
Blogger Midnight said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:23 PM  
Blogger Midnight said...

To me, the username "Anonymous" translates as:

"I'm a nitwit who has nothing of any validity to say, so ignore everything that follows."

...most of the time, at least.

6:25 PM  

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