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Sunday, January 22, 2006

On being Covert and Drinking Tea

So I went out to the local coffee shop yesterday night to get out of the house and grab a cup of tea (I'm disappointed that there aren't any places in my area that just deal in is icky).

As I was making my way towards the door with my steamy cup of herbal goodness, there were a couple of people sitting at the counter and talking. One of them said something that caught me completely off-guard:

"Hey....have you ever heard of something called 'Neurocam'"?

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Neuro-what? Dude, what are you talking about?"


For some reason not yet known to me, I smiled and then began to laugh, quite loudly.
The people sitting at the counter looked over at me, I realized how weird I looked and that I would have to play it cool. I quickly, and somewhat awkwardly, whipped my hand up to my ear and exclaimed "Jerome, that is toooooo funny! Where did you hear that?" as if I was just a typical Californian yapping on his cellphone and having a cup of coffee.
Then I promptly dashed out the door, and that was the end of that.

Looks like the folks out here sure are doing their job...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Shameless Promotion of the Music I like

Hey kids, ever heard of something called Trance?

It's this wicked awesome type of music that has the the melodies, the arpeggios, the motifs, the harmonies, and the beats that make your body wanna movelikeishnobody'sbusiness!!1@$%!11!11!1~


Let me tell you how you do it... See, first, you go here:

Did you all catch that? Here it is a few more times, just to be safe:

It really is good stuff.
I know it.
Chris Titan knows it.
(But since nobody pays attention to him, maybe you'll pay attention to me)
Now the question is: do you know it?

Trance is what all the cool kids get down with now a days, so jump on the goddamn bandwagon.

I hate all these ignorant fuckers who criticize, criticize, criticize. And all they ever seem to rag on is good ol' Trance.
"Trance isn't real music," they say.
This is a telltale sign you can use to spot people who have no sense and simply parrot out this worn out line thinking they sound intelligent and sophisticated by doing so.
"Trance? Nobody listens to that..."
Marshal Mathers, I'll break your fucking kneecaps if I ever meet you on the street and you try to sing that song of yours at me.

Indie Rock? Emo? Fuck that shit.
Trance becomes the aural embodiment of originality when held up against those two.
(Same goes for the their respective cultures. People who listen to Trance don't even come close to sucking so much ass)

You know what we need?

A Neuro-Rave.

That's what we'll do, we'll round up all the ops and rent out a club downtown.
The assignment brief will be to bring a half-mask and a pair of glowsticks.

Maybe I'll write the Cam and see what they think...

Oh shit, wait, I don't have to! They read our blogs!!!


Sunday, January 08, 2006

The New Mind-Control

In the future (heh, such an overused and vague statement) controllers and consoles will be obsolete.

I had a dream the other night where I went to the real live version of a game server.
It was basically a building with a bunch of people (players) in it, and you went into this one room to "log in."

Basically you just sort of plopped down on the floor and waited while they (yes, that undescriptive 'they'--by this I mean the administrators of the facility) loaded the client and UI.
Experiencing the loading was a very odd sensation, and I kind of imagine it to be what jacking-in to the Matrix would feel like. It was this strange kind of pressurized feeling that descended upon you, your eyes were literally forced shut and you couldn't open them if you tried, then images were fed directly into your mind via the wireless signal that the room was engulfed in. You saw everything as a character in the game, and the real world was still there, but you existed on both planes and could move freely in each (although their confinements were reconciled accordingly... couldn't have you trying to run across an open meadow in the game and having you slam up against a wall in life, after all.)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

What the....

From: "Midnight"
To: "Clyde Citrine"
Sent: Saturday, January 7th, 2005 5:21 PM
Subject: Sparkly and Green?

Dear Clyde,

Can you explain?




From: "Clyde Citrine"
To: "Midnight"
Sent: Saturday, January 7th, 2005 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: Sparkly and Green?

Dear Operative Midnight,

Once again I'd like to remind you that Chris Titan is no longer an operative of Neurocam International, and any statements he makes should not be taken the least bit seriously.

I have never met Chris Titan, I do not frequent The Oasis, and the individual in that photograph Titan claims is me bears absolutely no actual resemblance to myself in reality.

I would highly doubt that any Neurocam International Operative (or ex-Operative) has actually seen me in Los Angeles yet...


Clyde Citrine
Operations Division
Neurocam International

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Nigel likes it...

Dear Operative Midnight,

I found the quote from Technopoly about narratives that you posted on your blog to be quite interesting and thought-provoking.

Personally, however, I think Neil Postman is a stuck-up, arrogant prat.

Before I moved to Melbourne I happened to have read Technopoly. I also had a spunky border-collie named Nigel.

When I finished the book I was not in the finest of moods, so I gave it to Nigel.

He seemed to enjoy it a lot more than I did--so much that there wasn't very much left of the book a day later.

Clyde Citrine
Operations Division
Neurocam International

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Amadeus and fluorine

Received: from ([])
by (gvbmbzah86) with SMTP
id <85819403189s34988etm9a>; Wed, 28 Dec 2005 21:31:59 -0300
Message-Id: <>
From: "Sephira Jarmul" <>
Subject: amadeus, and fluorine
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 04:30:59 +0400

What an amusing piece of spam e-mail.

Usually I just scan their titles and delete them without thinking, but this one got a moment's pause out of me as I stopped to contemplate the absurd, yet possible association between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart....and fluorine.

I wonders, what did they do for oral health way back then? Had they discovered fluorine yet?

Very perplexing indeed...