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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

In an upwards direction

Just though I'd let you all know I'm going to be in absentia for the next few days.

I'm sorry if I'm depriving you of that meaningful part of the day where you get to say "Oooh, happy joy joy! It's time to check Midnight's blog!"
(I'll be damned if anyone actually does that, fyi.)

I'm cruising up the coast to visit some hombres in some part of northern californialand.
(Does it have anything to do with my new assignment? No comment...)

Maybe I'll stop by Eureka for a while and link up with Chris Titan so we can have a couple of sodas and discuss the practickal aplickations of magick....


Blogger Adren of Life said...

Now you just made me curious... How many hits does your blog get, let's say, each week? How many do you have so far?

you should come back to the IRC channel, as one of the 'originals' you'd enjoy what's been going in there... ;)


10:47 PM  
Blogger Hamish said...

"(Does it have anything to do with my new assignment? No comment...)"

That a no then. =oP

Have a safe journey.

5:11 AM  
Blogger teigan said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:22 PM  
Blogger teigan said...

>(I'll be damned if anyone actually does that, fyi.)

Why do you undermine yourself like this??

9:23 PM  

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